START With magic circle.Pull string to close hole in ring. Row 1. Ch 6, 1 dc in ring,ch 3, dc in ring, repeat until you have 7 dcs in ring. Sl st in 3rd of beginning chain 6. Row 2. Sc in loop, make 1 hdc, 3 dcs, 1 hdc, 1 sc, in next loop make 1 sc, 1 hdc, 3 dcs, 1 hdc, 1 sc, repeat same in other loops, sl st in beginning sc. Row 3. Working in the back of each dc of row 1, make a sc around the dc (refer to video if you don't understand), ch 5 and sc behind the next dc. Repeat and sl st in beginning sc. Row 4. In ch 5 space work 1 sc, 1 hdc, 6 dcs, 1 hdc, 1 sc. Repeat same in all ch 5 loops around, sc in beginning sc. Row 5. Ch 6, sc in between next petal from the back, (refer to video to see), ch 6 sc between next petal, repeat all around, join with sl st in first sc. Row 6. In ch 6 space work 1 sc, 1 hdc, 7 dcs, 1 hdc, 1 sc. Repeat same in all ch 6 spaces and join with sl st in beginning sc. Row 7. Ch 6, sc in between next petal from the back, c...